Inevitably, we spend a lot of time talking babies. As a fellow mom, I know it’s always nice to be reminded that we matter. This short blog is tailored to you, mama & your postpartum aftercare. When I was a prepping my hospital bag, it was a little overwhelming. I can’t imagine trying to prep for such a big event without YouTube! Of course we have the opportunity to pick other moms' brains, but not everyone is so open with talking about the aftermath of giving birth. Pregnancy is not a one-size fits all experience and neither is labor!
Post-delivery for me was euphoric. Despite experiencing the worst pressure headache of my life from pushing for over an hour, I felt like I could run a marathon. Personally, I went with an epidural and vaginal birth. & she was a whopping 8lbs 12oz & 2 ft long. Waddling to the bathroom my first time, I was happy to learn that the nurses had frozen pads for my hooha. Besides some discomfort from the obvious, they provided a lot of relief. I recall watching some YouTube videos that suggested freezing your own at home with witch hazel, seemed like an easy enough project but a similar expense as buying something right off Amazon. We all aim for convenience when we’re pregnant that’s for sure. So I added some Frida Mom instant ice pads & sure enough my freezer had a stash the next day.
Along with the frozen pads, I was sure to order some undergarments for leakage. Adding those 3in thick pads to my regular underwear didn’t seem ideal or comfortable, nor did I want to ruin them. So I threw in a couple of disposable packs of underwear as well. They were actually super comfy and made me think diapers as an elder might not be so bad, LOL. If you’ve given birth before, you know the peri bottle is your friend. The one from the hospital was just fine, but I was really interested some postpartum spray. Something to help the healing process or even just a little more relief aside from luke warm water. Herbal perineal spray offered a cooling effect and I found it to be pretty soothing, bonus it’s made with natural ingredients.
Your delivery room might look like a murder scene and you might need stitches, maybe you won’t! You’ll definitely want a big burger afterwards or a veggie a wrap, that’s what the hubs is for. Nonetheless your body is designed to take on this one of a kind experience and bring life into this world! It’s important to try to treat yourself and to be kind to your mind and body not only during pregnancy but after, too. The links to the products I mentioned are listed below. Not only do we strive to give you awesome pics of your baby, but support you in any way that we can. As always, we wish you an easy and healthy labor & delivery.
Spray: https://amzn.to/3UlAjKE
Undergarments: https://amzn.to/3DEk2e4
Ice pads: https://amzn.to/3BSGAq1